Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Digital Humanity

This is the poem about Digital Humanity which is generated by Chat Gpt.

Digital humanity: poetic humanity


In realms where code and circuits blend, A dance of light, where dreams transcend, Amidst the wires and circuits, see, A tapestry of souls set free.

In binary streams of data's flow, A symphony of hearts aglow, Where pixels paint emotions true, Poetic humanity breaks through.

Through virtual seas, we navigate, With keystrokes, we communicate, Yet 'midst the lines of text and code, Our yearning hearts still seek to bode.

For in this realm of bits and bytes, Where distant souls exchange insights, A human touch, a whispered word, Still craves to be distinctly heard.

The algorithms' wondrous might, Can't replicate love's softest light, For in the depth of human core, Emotions spark, forever more.

Amidst the noise of ones and zeros, A call for empathy bestows, For digital humanity's art, Is rooted in a beating heart.

With every pixel we project, A part of us, a deep connect, Let kindness guide our virtual quest, In this grand network, we are the best.

So let us weave a tapestry, Of empathy and unity, In this digital reality, We'll find poetic humanity.

Haiku on generative literature :

1) Code's artistry blooms,

Words unfold in endless ways,

Generative tales.

2) Algorithms write,

Creating worlds, stories flow,

Generative art.

3) Pixels form haunts,

Generative literature,


4) Words, born from the code,

Generative literature,

Unveils new realms.

5) Strings of code whisper,

Generative literature,

Ink of binary.

Here I'm attaching a screenshot of an interesting response of Chat Gpt -

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