Thursday, October 6, 2022

Life of pi


Movie starts with the natural scenario. It included Indian architecture animals and Indian music as well.

       Than comes and encounter with Patel family. Our narrator named Piscine molitor patel. His father named him after French swimming pool. his father was teaching him how to overcome fear of water. Later on we can see that other children's are making fun of the name Piscine patel with pissing patel, teachers were feeling trouble to pronouncing his name.once in his school he starts the day with explaining the formula of Pi and from that every next period he was explaining the formula of Pi. For a whole day in his school he was explaining formula of Pi and from that day he became famous as Pi Patel. Father was a zookeeper. 

       Narrator consider Pondicherry as the French revira of India. In a vityway he consider himself as a catholic Hindu.

     “None of us knows god until 1 introduces US” 

        He Grows up with the story of Krishna which he heard from his mother on the other hand his father tells him that “religion is darkness”. He questions God and religion. He involves himself in many religious activities and at the dinner table he is brother makes fun of him with calling him-“you going to Mecca Swami Jesus?" His father suggest him to take interest in reason rather than religion.

     Next in the story there is an encounter with the tiger of zoo named Richard Parkar. While his father was scolding him he says that he has seen soul of tiger in its eyes. Very next moment pi he sees his own emotions in reflection of tigers eyes. To Clarify the point of view his father shows cruel incident of hunting.

      When Pi grows up he meets Anandi in dancing classes like a thing. In that dance girls wear showing love to gods through the dance and expression.

there was a mudra of Lotus in the ending of dance. Which hides or reflects future's secrets. He follows Anandi and when Anandi caught him she asked him that why is he following her. Then he asked her that I did she made the pose of lotus she first made pose of pataka which means forest and then she made a pose of lotus Anandi explains that Lotus symbols purity.

This incident accidentally has shown the future. Then he is family decided to leave India. And he said goodbye to Anandi and made promise to come back and he says that he doesn't remember their moment of goodbye. And with his family he left India.

      Middle of his journey there is a storm in the ocean. A while pi enjoys the view and atmosphere of heavy rain, thunder. Within minutes there is a ship wreck in which he lost his family but he had few animals with him in a life boat. First he sees only a monkey, zebra and hyena. Hyena kills zebra and later on monkey. In the morning five find out that there is a tiger also in the life boat and tiger killed hyena. Was a struggle between Pi and tiger. Somehow pi and tiger manages to leave on a single boat. While searching in the boat pi find a booklet which was guide. There is an contradiction while reading a guide and living because there was a description of how to pass a time in a life boat there was description of a game of cards which can be played by people on the life boat but here is the irony that on the life boat by was alone with the tiger.

      There are some fights struggle between pi and tiger. because of irritation pi tries to kill tiger. Trying to kill tiger he seas he is own reflection into the tiger eyes. I was fully vegetarian boy but to survive in the middle of the sea he has to eat fish and he started eating a fish. 

He was treating tiger like a human but unconsciously he was becoming an animal and tiger started behaving like a human.


Tiger got a amazed by the fishes. Jumps into Ocean to catch that fish but it became hard to return on life boat. How the managers to survive and later on they reached at human Island which was having shape of human. It was so beautiful that there was a beautiful pond in which there was dream cable water and some vegetarian food. Also was having fun eating variety of animals. In the night that Island started every single alive thing. And water of that pound started becoming acidic. There was a Lotus like fruit when Pi open it there was a human tooth in it. Through this can have strike in his mind that earlier we had reference of this incident in Anjali and pi's conversation. Every mudra of Anjali was connected with the Life of Pi anonymously. But mainly the mudra of lotus expressed a lot. Hotels is symbol of purity and ocean also describe purity.

      In the ending pi Nelly reaches at the shore along with the tiger. Both were looking very weak. The end there was a good by movement of Pi and the tiger. After Reaching at shore and tiger both comes out from the boat. I was very happy and he was cheering up the tiger that they have finally reached at the shore. But tiger didn't took a moment to look after pi. Tiger keeps on walking to the Jungle he didn't turn for a moment see or to say goodbye to pi. He just walked to the Jungle. After facing so many troubles by made it to the shore and he lived a long with the tiger through his journey that troubles didn't more than him but not saying goodbye of tiger or not even looking to pi, troubled him more. 

      At the end of the movie, pi confuses the writer by telling the other story and told him to believe in whatever he likes. This is how movie (and novel as well) leave us with trouble and suspance.


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