Thursday, August 4, 2022

characteristics of Renaissance literature and Romantic literature

Q:Can we differentiate general characteristics of Renaissance literature with that of Reformation / Restoration or Neo - classical or Romantic or Victorian or Modern literature ?
    Before differentiate the literary characteristics of renaissance literature and romantic literature, we should have some lights upon the term ‘renaissance’ and ‘romantic’.

   Renaissance:The word renaissance is a French word which means - "rebirth". Renaissance movement started in Italy. the Renaissance promoted the rediscovery of classical philosophy, literature and art.

 Romantic:In English literature, ‘Romantic’ is characterized by a celebration of nature and the common man, a focus on individual experience, an idealization of women, and an embrace of isolation and melancholy.

             Renaissance started with ‘The Revival Of Learning’ (though there were some glimpse of renaissance movement in the age of Chaucer). In broad sense The Revival Of Learning means the gradual enlightenment of the human mind after the darkness of the middle ages. 
    The beautiful change in the history of English literature has three Key stges of renaissance:
13th and 14th century: the early renaissance
until the end of the 15th century: High renaissance
the 16th century: late renaissance.
        As we all know that the renaissance is ‘breaking dawn’ period of English literature from the dark middle ages.
    “ Life is short. Art long. Opportunity is fleeting. Expierience treacherous. Judgement difficult.”
              —Geoffrey Chaucer
        Religion occupies an important place in Middle English literature, as it was an important element of social life in the medieval ages. People lived in constant fear of hell and its torments and were vitally concerned with the salvation of their souls. That’s why religious writing forms a greater part of Middle English Literature.
        De Quincey says,-
         “In the Middle Ages, the literature of knowledge and the literature of power are often close together if not much the same thing.” 
         Due to the church's authority over the lives of people, Middle English literature is absolutely didactic in nature, full of teachings and warnings instead of entertainment.
      Renaissance is also mentioned as an Elizabethan age as it has strong impact on Elizabethan age's literature mostly. During this period lots of social economical changes happened in England. Queen elizabeth bought a lot of political stability in England. 
       During this time England was very stable as if it has no wars like age of revival.And because there was no wars people started working towards various other art forms and one such an art form was literature.Renaissance literature was created at a most loud time in English history. The population was growing following the Dark Ages, and the monarchy faced many challenges, such as the downfall of Charles I. Science and humanism became growing forces among intellectuals, and art and literature grew faster than ever before thanks to increased education and invention.
      During renaissance, printing press came to England. And because of that lots of books can be written and can be read by more and more people in society. This change made England more curious towards literature and knowledge.
        Here are some major characteristics of literature of renaissance.
1.Humanism : 
           it is philosophy which says that humans have worth dignity and power. Humanism basically believes that life should be centred around the humans. It should not be centred around church, religion. As we know that before Renaissance movement church had supreme power over everything whether it is place, literature, art or person. But with renaissance people came to know that humans are the beautiful creation of God therefore life should be centred around the humans and humanity
2. Religious toleration: 
               the most significant characteristic of renaissance is the ‘religious toleration’ because of queen Elizabeth's influence. Because of Reformation, the fundamental questions of religious toleration seemed to be settled,and the mind of man, freed from religious fears and persecutions, turned with a great creative impulse to other forms of activity.
3. Enthusiasm: 
               it is an age of dreams, adventure, unbounded enthusiasm springing from the new lands of fabulous riches revealed by English explorers. There was a belief during this era that the “mind must search farther than the eye; with new, reach lines opened to the site, the imagination must create the new forms to people the new worlds.” While queen Elizabeth's explorers search the new world for the fountain of youth, her poets are creating literary works that are young forever. So dreams and deeds increase side by side, and the dream is ever greater than the dead. That is the meaning of literature.
5.Development of Science: 
          The age was accompanied by the birth of modern science, mathematics, astronomy etc. In the 4th decade of the 16th century, Copernicus replaced Aristotle’s system with the sun, instead of the earth at the centre of the universe.
           In astronomy, Harvey discovered circulation of blood in 1628. In addition to this, there was the use of clocks, telescopes, thermometers, compasses, microscopes etc. Hence there was considerable development in the scientific field.

    ★ Romentic literature:

           Romanticism was a literary movement that began in the late 18th century, ending around the middle of the 19th century—although its influence continues to this day.influence continues to this day. Marked by a focus on the individual (and the unique perspective of a person, often guided by irrational, emotional impulses), a respect for nature and the primitive, and a celebration of the common man, Romanticism can be seen as a reaction to the huge changes in society that occurred during this period.
           Because of Romentic literature the common people had begun to red, and the chief subject of romantic literature was essential nobleness of common man and the value of individual.
     Literary characteristic of the age
1. Hero in common man:
           This age Elevates common people and common events in language spoken by everyday man. This age portrayed flawed characters with good heart, glory in imperfection, concern and sympathy for common man.

2. Romantic enthusiasm:
“ bliss was it in that dawn to be alive,
    But to be young was very heaven.”
                       –Wiliiam Wordsworth
          The essence of romanticism was, it must be remembered, that literature must reflect all that is spontaneous and unafted in nature and in men, and be free to follow its on fancy in its own way.
 3. Age of poetry:
            As we all know that the glory of the age is in the poetry of Scott, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, Keats, Moore,and southey. 4.women as novelist:
              It was during this period that women assumed, for the first time, ans important place in our literature. Probably the chief reason for this interesting phenomenon lies in the fact that woman was for the first time given sums light chance of education, of entering into the intellectual life of phrase. Secondary reason maybe found in the nature of the age itself, which was intensely emotional. As woman is naturally more emotional than man, it may well be that the spirit of this emotional age attract her, and give hurt the opportunity to express herself in literature.

   ★ Form above two of the period, Renaissance and Romanticism we can differentiate these points: 
      • The two movements share similarities but their roots and main ideas are quite different.
      • The Renaissance, meaning 'rebirth', was a huge moment of progression for the sciences, arts and philosophy following the Middle Ages. The Renaissance was all about looking back to ancient civilizations for inspiration, such as the Greeks and Romans, and stepping away from the established Christian church. Humanism was very prevalent during this period, meaning that people thought more about how humanity could benefit from an idea, rather than how they could appease a higher power. This 'return to ancient times' inspired so much art and literature during this period.
      • Romanticism usually refers to the period I mentioned before. Romanticism was very much a reaction to the Enlightenment period that took place before and the Industrial Revolution on the horizon. The Enlightenment was about rational, scientific thinking, and Romanticism aimed to challenge that by focusing on emotions and the beauty of the natural world. It would be fair to say that 'Romantics' regarded themselves as led by intuition, rather than scientific thinking. The Revolutionary wars that took place at the time (French and American) were also a huge influence at the time. Though opinions between Romantics were divided on these matters, there was a strong sense of optimism for change. This also influenced art and literature of the time. The Romantics also looked back to the classical civilizations, but this was not what defined the movement, as was the case for the Renaissance.
     • One could argue that both of these movements took place because of a desire to change to a new way of thinking, but they were caused by different sequences of events. Along with the fact that these periods took place hundreds of years apart, the movements are different in their aims. The Renaissance looked towards a classical way of thinking which was still largely rational, whereas the Romantics focused more on emotions, intuition and a wild, untamed relationship with the natural world.


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